Emergency medical technicians offer an invaluable service to the citizens of Philadelphia. They are important first responders who reach individuals in need long before they arrive at hospitals and emergency facilities. They save lives and cope with incomparable stresses all while providing important services to those in need.
However, the process of becoming an EMT is not easy and individuals who choose to enter the profession are held to a high standard of conduct to receive their licenses. Per regulations promulgated by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, a criminal conviction policy has been put in place that can threaten an EMT’s license if they are alleged to have committed a crime and are convicted on their charges.
The criminal conviction policy requires new applicants for licenses to disclose criminal convictions in their histories and for renewal applicants to make such disclosures as well. Expungements do not have to be disclosed, but pleas of nolo contendre, guilty, and plea deals must be included on application and renewal documents.
The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians has the discretion to deny an EMT the right to sit for licensure testing or to deny an EMT a license to practice in their chosen profession if they deem their crime too severe. Because of a criminal conviction, a person who has trained, studied, and worked to become a public servant as an EMT may be barred from serving those who are in need. Legal assistance can help men and women who wish to become emergency medical technicians with their applications for licensures and working with their prior criminal convictions.