Some people who are facing criminal charges want the case to be over with as soon as possible. They may be interested in finding out if they can work out a plea deal with the prosecution. While that might seem like a good idea, it’s one that must be carefully considered for anyone who has a professional license.
Many professional licenses have various requirements attached to them. These can include requirements like continuing education, but it’s also possible that some will have clauses regarding morals and ethics. For professional license holders bound by those, a plea deal could lead to issues.
What factors might be considered?
A plea deal requires you to plead either guilty or no contest to specific charges. The licensing board will consider the type of charge to determine if the person violated any of the requirements of the professional license.
One of the points that’s usually considered is whether the conviction involved moral turpitude. These include charges, such as theft, fraud, drug offenses, embezzlement or any other crime that shows a lack of honesty or integrity.
Anyone who has a professional license and is facing criminal charges should learn about all their options for a defense strategy. Considering the way each option will impact their career may help them to decide how to proceed. Working with someone familiar with the criminal aspect of the case and the way it may affect their professional license may be beneficial for them.