On Behalf of | Sep 10, 2015 | Firm News |

The tricks and traps of the PHMP/PMP are extensive.  Traps include compliance with professional boards’ legal conditions for reinstatement of which PNAP and PHMP caseworkers do not advise non-working program participants.  One recent trick a PNAP case worker tried to pull on a client almost foreclosed their timely completion of the PHMP & Board requirements, thereby extending the participation period (drug testing) of PHMP.Every professional is charged with being aware of their licensing board’s continuing education regulations.  For nurses these are found at 49 PA. Code § 21.131–21.134. These regulations are also posted on every board’s website.  For nonpracticing professionals (those who licenses have been revoked or suspended and are required to also enroll in PHMP/PMP) complying with the rigors of the PHMP, it is also hard to focus on a website and educational requirement in their recovery/compliance protocols.However, it is important to be aware of these education requirements – 30 hours of continuing education and possible reactivation training or re-examination tests. Prior to reinstatement after a minimum five year absence, every professional must either successfully complete a new initial licensing exam, complete a board approved reactivation program by passing a board approved achievement examination, or provide evidence that the applicant has practiced in another jurisdiction for those five years.  The professional who is 1) either suspended, revoked, or nonpracticing, 2) compliant with the PHMP/PMP, and 3) wants to be eligible for reinstatement, it is easy to satisfy these requirements at the same time as maintaining sobriety.The education requirements are time consuming and calendar based. For the professional counting down the time left in a three, four, or five year monitoring program, PNAP and PHMP case workers will not counsel about these educational requirements.  As such, not being made aware of these additional education requirements and not satisfying them (but having completed the minimal time in the monitoring program) will delay full compliance with Board reactivation regulations.  While the professional may be deemed to have completed the PHMP/PMP process, and receive advocacy letter from the case worker, the Board will not reinstate the professional to a full non-monitored license until proof of continued competency and completion of CE credits is established. Watch the registration windows for these classes, get PHMP approval to attend and take the tests as soon as eligible.Importantly, this information is MANDATORY evidence attached to any suspended or revoked professional’s Petition for Reinstatement.  My other blogs address post-revocation rehabilitation and good deed evidence addressing character and fitness issues individual board members look at in professionals seeking reinstatement. The boards also look at the educational requirements as fundamental proof of the professional’s good faith interest in their profession warranting reinstatement.Please call me to discuss your petition for reinstatement, compliance with PHMP/PMP and other licensing issues.