Since Birchfield v. N. Dakota, 136 S.Ct. 2160, 2173, 2185, 195 L. Ed. 2d 560 (2016), the Pennsylvania Supreme court has swiftly moved to invigorate and buttress Pennsylvania civil liberties and motor vehicle drivers' privacy rights. On July 19, 2017, in Commonwealth...
Month: August 2017
Last Shore Ride of the Summer Season
Summer is almost gone. Almost is a relative word. Summer is gone. Ok, I understand it better now. This why I am getting up at the same time, but the sun has yet to rise. As seasons change, so should we.My clients and friends alike...
Medical Marijuanand the Physician Practitioner
In Pennsylvania medical marijuana is almost here. Business licenses have been issued, dispensaries are being built, and physicians are getting approved as "Practitioners". Who will be their patients and how will dispensaries attract patients are unanswered...
Riding the Bridges of South Jersey And Valley Forge
My administrative law blog followers are eagerly awaiting a new blog. The summer months have been slow with regard to new legal decisions or laws and/or regulations that substantially change my practice.The various health related professional board's summer meetings...