A Really Nice Client Review

On Behalf of | Mar 2, 2017 | Firm News |

“I was caught completely off guard this past fall when after attending a concert with some friends I received a DUI. It was the first driving offense I had received in 40 years and I felt very bad about it happening. What I did not expect however, was that within 48 hrs, I received notice from the State Board of Nursing, that I needed to sign some documents stating that I would enter into a program that they run for alcoholics and if I didn’t sign, I would lose any chance of saving my nursing license in the future if I was found guilty. I have no words for how devastated I felt. I have been in nursing for 38 yrs without so much as a verbal correction. I had no idea, that the DUI would result in the loss of my professional license. I was completely terrified. So, knowing that I was not guilty of being an alcoholic and have no history whatsoever of any type of substance abuse at home or work, I signed the papers, thinking they would support me. Well, it was quite the opposite. They way their system is set up, once you sign the papers, they say that you are guilty. Thank God, I have a good friend, who knew me well, and began researching this process since it didn’t make sense to her. She found Richard Hark and told me that I needed to see him immediately. I hope that if you have found your way to this page through your own research, you will go to talk to him. He took extremely good care of me and my case was closed. I was wrong to get a DUI, but to lose my nursing license was not fair. I am getting ready to retire in a few months and I asked my supervisor if I could give an inservice to the other nurses, explaining to them, the unfair practices that are out there. Best to anyone who reads this.” Please call me if you feel like this.