I spend a majority of my time helping medical professionals secure and keep their professional license. Recently, a physician contacted me to discuss his group practice employment contract and his hospitalist job. Reviewing his employment contract enlightened me on numerous ways a single licensing issue can impact medical professionals’ employment and future employability.
Standard medical group and hospital employment contracts include the following terms to which physicians shall comply:
1.1. At all times engage in the practice of medicine, specializing in ******, and diligently perform all of the normal and customary functions of a physician with such specialty, and ensure that the services of others over whom he has responsibility are at all times at a level of competence that, at a minimum, is recognized as acceptable in the community served by the Department (the “Community”) and at a standard that is acceptable under the applicable Governing Policies and in the Hospital Contract), all applicable legal and accreditation statues, regulations, standards, and requirements, and other recognized professional standards in the Community.
This paragraph is a catch all scope and competence to practice requirement. It is based upon the local practices in the region, not necessarily the training and experience learned in medical school. Competence is also based upon group community peers and their biases and long held beliefs.
1.2. Perform such other and additional duties and functions for and on behalf of Corporation reasonably relating to the planning, management and operation of Corporation’s activities, as shall be assigned to him from time to time by Corporation; 1.3. Perform any and all duties required of, or assigned to, Physician under the Hospital Contract; 1.4. Comply with all policies, standards and procedures of Corporation which Corporation may, from time to time, reasonably promulgate and, as required in its’ discretion, amend;
1.5. Render all services with competence, efficiency and fidelity, and comply with the ethical precepts of his profession at all times.
These clauses focus on how hard can the group or hospital make the physician work, to the groups’ partner’s satisfaction. “Any and all” duties or “all” policies allows the group or medical corporation to impose their will and practices on the physician. Conformity and compliance are the norm. To wear the White Coat getting along to go and get along is the norm. Weekends, holidays, and midnight shifts are necessary and the norm.
1.6. Without limiting the foregoing:
1.6.1. Continuously be duly qualified to perform the radiology services required of him under this Agreement and the Hospital Contract;
1.6.2. Continuously maintain his license, and be in good standing, to practice medicine in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;
1.6.3. Continuously possess a valid narcotics license, as issued by the Drug Enforcement Administration (“Narcotics License”);
1.6.4. Continuously maintain his board eligibility in radiology and, within two years, achieve and maintain board certification by successfully completing and passing the Certifying Examination from the American Board of ________ (“Board Certification”);
1.6.5. At all times comply with the policies, rules and regulations of any and all governmental authorities relating to the licensure and regulation of physicians and _________;
1.6.7. Continuously maintain full privileges at the Hospital, and continually maintain membership on the Active Medical Staff (the “Medical Staff”) of the Hospital in the Department;
1.6.8. Abide by and be subject to the bylaws, rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the Hospital, the Medical Staff, and the Department (the “Governing Policies”);
These clauses speak for themselves. A single criminal or disciplinary investigation creates a domino affect. Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (“PDMP”) violations and/or fraud diversion investigations trigger qualification challenges under each provision. A criminal investigation (not conviction) could affect medical staff privilege issues and/or constitute a violation of the employer’s separate Bylaws and governing policies. DEA issues affect prescription writing capabilities. A criminal conviction (as compared to an investigation) will ripple through and trigger these provisions.
Call me before participating in any criminal investigation of your medical practice or individual license. The physician employee must provide annual or semi-annual truthful information regarding any licensing or other criminal involvements whether it involves a license or not. For example: a DUI charge or spouse abuse/domestic assault charge. Be very careful what you say to whom about what investigation. I have represented numerous physicians in non-work related criminal investigations that did not result in criminal charges only because of my involvement early in the process. Sometimes, here, the truth and just talking to “take care of things” is not the correct process! You always have something to hide! Do not talk to anyone without consulting me.
In drug use impairment investigations, proceeding carefully and with counsel is even more important. Referrals to Pennsylvania or New Jersey’s Physician’s Assistance Program (“PAP”) is a gray area. It is not an investigation and it is not a criminal conviction. Call me. The VRP-PAP Referral Letter A PAP referral is not from Pennsylvania’s Medical Board. A PAP referral is confidential and is not communicated to the Medical Board. Do not disclose any PAP communications with your medical group practice administrator! Professional License Issues
What should a physician do if he/she receives a confidential voluntary recovery program referral. Read many of my other webpages and Blogs on what is the VRP. The Disciplinary Process Referral A VRP referral is much different than a confidential petition filed compelling an evaluation. Voluntary enrollment in the monitoring program will automatically restrict a physician’s ability to write prescriptions, hold a DEA license and participation in many insurance contracts, Boards, and federal insurance programs. DO NOT listen to the lies of the PAP case worker or manager who says you may be able to continue working. Seriously consider the ramifications of a PAP, VRP enrollment. The Medical License Issue
If the Board files a Petition Compelling a Mental and Physical Evaluation, there still is no disciplinary action. Do not tell your work! If the Board expert concludes no impairment, or the prosecution does not file a petition after a referral, then the case is over. Telling your employer too early in the investigation will trigger consequences that are unnecessary.
If the Board’s PHMP approved expert concludes you are unable to safely practice medicine due to a drug or alcohol addiction, which continues, and impairs your ability to practice, this still is not a disciplinary action . The Board prosecutor must file the petition, there must still be a hearing, and that expert must come to court and testify.
If there is a final Medical Board order compelling enrollment in a drug monitoring program, what does this mean. Only after a full hearing and the medical board issuing a Final Adjudication and Order is there a formal disciplinary order. The same process must be complied with for any other basis before a final board order triggers each of the above sections of the contract. Then enrollment is necessary to comply with this contract.
1.6.9. Continuously be empanelled to be paid for services by, and remain in good standing with, Medicare, Medicaid, the health maintenance organization maintained by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Northeastern Pennsylvania, and any other payors identified by Corporation and/or the Hospital, or as otherwise required by Corporation and the Hospital contract or agreement.
1.6.10. Sign participation agreements with, and provide true and accurate information for his credentials as required for participation in the, Medicare and Medicaid programs and any other insurance programs required by Corporation and Hospital, and agree to be reimbursed in connection with such programs in accordance with the Hospital Contract;
1.6.11. Serve on such medical and administrative committees of the Hospital to which Physician is reasonably assigned, and perform such additional administrative duties as are required by Corporation and the Hospital;
1.6.12. Assist in developing and conducting medical education programs in radiology as reasonably required by the Hospital, and participate as needed in existing educational programs of the Hospital, as required by Corporation and the Hospital;
A physician under any restricted license will not be invited to participate in any of the above committees, boards, or programs. These provisions allow employment termination/contract termination for just about any conduct or activity that results in even a minor blemish on the group or hospital contract.
Call me to discuss your case!!