Defense Of Alleged Probation And Megan’s Law Violations
Have you been accused of violating the terms of your parole or probation? The professional license and criminal defense attorneys at Hark & Hark can help you protect your hard-earned and well-deserved freedom.
Our experienced lawyers will launch an immediate investigation into the allegations against you, whether you are accused of testing positive for drugs, failing to show up to your place of employment, not paying court cost or committing a new crime that violates the terms of your probation.
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Probation Violation Defense ▪ For Your Freedom
The consequences for violating probation depend upon the terms of your probation and the extent of the violation. Your probation officer may arrest you and send you to jail, or give you a second chance. If you are in jail, they may lodge a detainer. Whatever the situation, let us answer your questions and guide you through the entire process and try to get that probation detainer lifted so you or your loved one can fight the case from the street.
Common probation/parole violations we defend against include:
- Megan’s Law violations
- Drug use or possession
- Alcohol use
- Failure to report to the court or your probation officer
- Failure to notify your probation officer of a change of address
- Refusal to pay court fines
- Purchase or possession of a firearm
- Being charged with a new crime
Probation Violation Detainers
If a probation officer sent you to jail for violating the terms of your probation, they most likely obtained a probation violation detainer. This means that you cannot post bond to get out of jail. You must wait until your hearing. Local public defenders will not file a motion to lift a probation violation detainer. We will. Our goal is always to get you in front of the judge and out of jail as soon as possible.
Megan’s Law Probation Violations
There are new mandatory minimum sentences for anyone convicted of violating probation under Megan’s Law. If you violate probation more than once, you may face mandatory jail time.
If you were accused of violating the reporting requirement for Pennsylvania or another state, we will examine whether or not you gave proper notice. We can even look at your moving receipts and phone records to determine if you properly notified authorities of your move.
Please review a recent article written by Richard discussing the problems in sex offense cases that have Megan’s law registration requirements.
Contact Hark And Hark For A Free Initial Consultation
Contact us online, or call 1-877-4-HARK-LAW (1-877-442-7552) for a free initial consultation. We charge reasonable rates, offer payment plans, and accept major credit cards.
Always Ask 4-HARK-LAW ▪ Pennsylvania Criminal Defense Lawyers