Standing Up For Doctors’ Licenses After Criminal Charges
When doctors are facing criminal charges, they are often dealing simultaneously with the potential loss of their license to practice medicine. Not only does this prevent them from doing the jobs for which they are trained, but the accusations may take a toll on their reputation in the community. It is essential that if you are a doctor facing criminal charges or have been arrested, you enlist the assistance of an experienced defense law firm.
Whether the criminal act allegedly occurred in Pennsylvania or not, if you received your medical training or went to school in Pennsylvania and you still have a Pennsylvania license, active or inactive, the Pennsylvania Medical Board will investigate you.
At Hark and Hark, our attorneys have years of experience both in defending professionals in criminal cases and in dealing with the resulting threat of license suspension or revocation. Either one may detrimentally impact your career. We handle medical license defense issues for all types of doctors, including:
- Family doctors
- Gynecologists and obstetricians
- Pain management specialists
- Pediatricians
- Psychiatrists and psychologists
- Chiropractors
- Physical therapists
- Respiratory therapists
- Surgeons
- Anesthesiologists
- Medical residents and trainees
Facing the Loss of Your Medical License?
Stop Searching. Start Calling.
24-Hour Professional License Hotline
1-877-4-HARK-LAW (1-877-442-7552)
Insurance or Billing Issues
One issue that doctors are often scrutinized for is their billing practices. If there is alleged fraud involved, whether it is insurance fraud or Medicare/Medicaid fraud, doctors may not only be facing criminal consequences, but the loss of their medical license as well. Also, private insurance panels may strike a doctor from being a participating member, along with losing the right to participate in state insurance programs. Without access to insurance and Medicare/Medicaid reimbursements, doctors may not be able to maintain a practice, if their licenses were not affected.
Exercise Your Rights
Whether you are being investigated for drug matters or are in need of medical ethics violations defense, it is important to be careful what you say. Unfortunately, in attempting to explain your situation, you may unintentionally incriminate yourself. You may want to exercise your right to remain silent and seek counsel from a lawyer at our firm. We can get involved early in the case and help you ensure that you are making the proper statements to the proper authorities.
Diversion Programs
It may be possible, if you are accused of selling prescriptions or another Drug Act related crime, a criminal prosecutor may offer Drug Court, as a diversion program instead of jail. Be careful here and call our attorneys to discuss this option. Sometimes Drug Courts and other diversion programs could result in the professional losing a license for good. Your license may be suspended, but one of the conditions of the program may be that you get it back once you have completed the diversion program. Our firm can discuss this more with each client in-depth as it applies to their individual situations.
Contact a medical license defense lawyer at Hark and Hark today to further discuss how we handle these types of cases. Our focus is on helping you preserve your freedom and protect your future in the medical profession.
Free initial consultation. Reasonable rates. Payment plans. Major credit cards accepted.
24-Hour Professional License Hotline: 1-877-4-HARK-LAW (1-877-442-7552)