NREMT Disciplinary Policy
The main basis for NREMT discipline falls under policy 51.08. Here I find that typical NREMT denial of recertification or an original application is based upon it “public safety risk provision”, which NREMT applies in an arbitrary and capricious process. Every NREMT applicant must provide a criminal background check and then explain any prior criminal conviction or license disciplinary occurrence. NREMT uses is authoritative discretion to conclude ANY prior criminal conviction or license discipline is a basis to deny certification. NREMT does not state why convictions over five or even ten years old still matter in its decision making process.
NREMT policy 51.05(8) suggests it may conclude a public safety risk based upon:
- The seriousness of the crime.
- Whether the crime relates to performance of the duties of an EMS professional.
- How much time has elapsed since the crime was committed.
- Whether the crime involved violence to, or abuse of, another person.
- Whether the crime involved a minor or a person of diminished capacity.
- Whether the applicant’s actions and conduct since the crime occurred are consistent with the holding of a position of public trust.
- Whether the applicant is a repeat offender.
- Whether the applicant has complied with all court orders and probationary requirements associated with the conviction.
It is unknown how NREMT applies these factors to an application. NREMT typically denies applicants with a record their national certification but does not state why the time lapse since the conviction or licensure action was committed precludes the applicant from effectively performing EMT responsibilities. Call me to discuss.